Some Organizing Inspirations

I’m on day 15, right about half way through, of my Facebook 27 Day Clutter Challenge. It has been really rewarding to methodically clutter bust my home, and sharing my efforts publicly has kept me motivated. I’ve also found some great organizing inspirations on other home blogs and sites like Pinterest.

Although I just finished telling you that organizing is not the key to clutter busting it is an important second step. Once we’ve removed or re-homed the things we no longer want or need THEN we can start organizing what is left.

Here are a few inspirations, some ideas that I’ve come across recently that are pretty enough that I might consider using them in my own home:

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I’m a visual person so even though I’ve given up any hope or desire for a Martha Stewart-like craft room, I do like these see through bins. Supplies are still tidy but you’re able to see what is stored, though I’d still prefer doors.

broom closet

And speaking of Martha, this lovely closet is from her. It’s a bit of overkill on the brooms (I mean how many do you need?) but since you have to have brooms and cleaning supplies, it would be nice to have a space designed specifically for them. Didn’t there used to be actual broom closets?

book nook
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I love this cute little book nook. It doesn’t take up much space and allows your child to easily see what is available. The fact that this person has color coordinated it makes me smile and turns it into a rainbow artwork. Rainbows are great Feng Shui cures!

And lastly for today; on Pinterest I found this neat closet rod that spaces the hangers out evenly. I wish I knew where it was from because it’s a great idea to keep ironed shirts from getting wrinkled. If anyone knows, please do share.

closet spacer

If you’ve been following along with me and de-cluttering your home, I hope you too have found a little inspiration in some of these tidy spaces.

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Calgary Feng Shui Designer