New Year’s Resolutions the Feng Shui Way

I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions, partly because I don’t like the word resolution. Resolution implies that something is wrong, that something about my life must be fixed, a problem must be resolved. Is this really the thought that I want to begin a new year with? Another message that my life is imperfect? I think not.

I much prefer to make intentions, affirmations, or ‘Lists of (Future) Gratitudes’. Since participating in a monthly new moon astrology group I have determined the time of the year which is most appropriate for me to do this according to my own astrological chart. For me, my list is best written before Christmas, at the beginning of December. In my chart I have only a short window for creating this list too, about 16 days (though obviously things can be added all year). That is probably good for me as I tend to work best on a deadline.

I call this list a List of (Future) Gratitudes because I have found it most effective to frame my list as though it has already happened. I do this by beginning each item on the list with Thank you for… I love this method. It is very hard to add a ‘but’ to something that you have already thanked the Universe for providing. You can’t very well say Thank you for my new job, but I don’t have any skills, I doubt I’ll get it, or I have no idea where it is coming from. It sounds unnatural. Just state your gratitude ahead of time and let the Universe take care of the details.

Visualization really helps too, as does sensory involvement. The more clearly I can see, feel, taste and smell that thing that I am thankful for, the better. If I can also get really excited about it, involving positive emotions, then I know I am on the right track and asking for something that really resonates with my core being. Actually, last year I began calling them New Year’s Resonations!

Once I have these Resonations completed I anchor them in my environment. By choosing an image, item or symbol that represents my Resonation, and placing it in an appropriate area of my home, I anchor that desire into my environment. It becomes a physical reminder of my intention. This is a huge factor in understanding how, at least on one level, Feng Shui works.

My List of (Future) Gratitudes becomes my yearly road map. It helps me to determine “Where am I going and who is going with me?” My environmental anchors can then become the signposts that remind me of my intentions and guide me to continue in the direction of my dreams.

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This year, I have only one Resonation and that is “to be more open”. Open to give and to receive, open to guidance, open to possibilities, open to kindness and love, open hearted and open minded. Just Open.

Where are you going this year, and who will be traveling with you?

Safe journeys


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