Lady Luna

Lady Luna had me awake all night last night. She shone her silvery beauty through the shaded bedroom window and begged me to come outside to bathe in her glorious light.
The one or two nights right before the full moon often see me lying awake, unable to sleep. It is the most yang of the most yin time each month. Last night was no exception. I was awake considering many options for White Lotus in the near future and while I sorted, re sorted, and categorized my options the stillness caught my attention and I got up. I wandered outside to find the air absolutely breathless and a kind of quiet which is hard to come by, even out here in the countryside. For just a few moments I was alone with the Universe and my mind matched the rhythm of the stillness. Then the mosquito found me and I was shuffled back indoors to try to catch at least a few hours of sleep before going back to my sorting and categorizing.
Pay attention to the moon tomorrow night, she will be in her glory and she has a mystery which we often forget to bask in.

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