Coyote Kirtan

About 4:30 am this morning the quiet was pierced by the cry of a lone coyote. The sound he made was very distinctive and unlike the howl that most associate with the canine. It struck me as a very specific message sent out into the night. After only a few seconds I could hear the call answered. Quiet howls responding from a seemingly impossible distance, and from many directions. Clearly something had been said, in a language that I had no access to. A sort of prairie Kirtan, call and response.

All creatures communicate with each other in some way and humans have the most complex of all languages. Even then we often run into trouble. Misunderstandings are common and good communication skills sometimes elude us.

In Feng Shui, the gua which is associated with communication is Dui, or Lake. This is also the area which is connected to creativity as all creativite endeavors use a specific medium to get across an idea, express a feeling, or answer a problem. If you are having trouble getting your ideas across to others, feeling that you are not heard, or that you could use a little creative spark then Dui is the gua to enhance in your home.

This gua can be enhanced through the use of metal, particularly bells, chimes or gongs which ring out in a clear and resonant tone. The color white and spherical shapes enhance the metal element of the area while fire, red and pyramidal shapes should be limited or avoided. Earth tones and design elements can also be used to enhance the metal nature of this area. Be sure to display your creativity in these areas as well whether it be through art, music, poetry or another media.

These simple changes can help to bring your Feng Shui into alignment. You may find that like the lone coyote your message will be clearly heard, and you will more easily hear the quiet responses received through the stillness of the cosmos. Listen carefully to the answers within.

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