What about the Wealth Frog?

I recently consulted with a lovely Hindu couple who were moving into a newly constructed home. They were very excited and wanted to make sure that their new home would be as energetically supportive as possible. They have moved a fair bit and wanted this place to really feel like home.

This particular couple, like many people, had read some information on the internet and had some preconceived ideas as well as some understandable confusion about how Feng Shui works.

Once I had completed my initial reading, we went through their entire home, and I explained what I felt needed remediation, as well as some ways that they could use symbols and the five elements to enhance their current intentions for their lives.

When we were finished I smiled when they asked me the nearly inevitable question, ‘what about the wealth frog?’ Wealth frogs, mythical animals, pagodas etc., have become such a symbol of Feng Shui that some people can’t imagine that we could create great Feng Shui in their home without them. (It is, I am sure, one reason that some people don’t investigate this fascinating art more seriously. They just can’t imagine living with these very Asian symbols that simply have little or no meaning to them.)

However, it is my belief that unless these totems resonate with you on a personal level, symbolizing wealth (or whatever other quality they are intended to represent) in a deeply ingrained way, they will not work to enhance your life.

Feng Shui is a way of connecting our environment to our aspirations. It allows us to create a message to our subconscious, reminding us of what we desire and what is important to us. But we must powerfully connect to the symbols and energy of the items that we allow into our space, or they will not positively affect us in any meaningful way.


For this couple we had already chosen some perfect places to use symbols of abundance that they truly resonated with. A Buddha statue, an artwork depicting the Hindu deity Ganesha, and an artistic Kalachakra were perfect for the locations chosen and held true meaning in their lives. While they understood on an intellectual level the meaning of a Chinese wealth frog, the symbolism would not have had the same effect on them.

Choose to surround yourself with items that you love, ones that you connect with and that hold meaning to you. These are the ones that will ultimately create the spaces that nurture your highest aspirations.

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