Selling your Home with Feng Shui

Selling a home can be a tumultuous event.


Depending on the reason for the sale, it can be a time of excitement for the future, or a time of sadness and disappointment. No matter what the prevalent feelings are, the entire process can be exhausting and tensions can run high. However there are a few things that can be done from a Feng Shui perspective to help ease the entire process.

1. The first thing that must be asked is ” Is it priced appropriately?”. If a home is incorrectly priced buyers are automatically put off. If it is too cheap they may wonder what is wrong with it, too expensive and they’ll think you’re crazy and likely low-ball the price anyway. Get good advice about pricing.

2. Second question, “Do you have the right realtor?” Finding a realtor who is qualified, knowledgeable in your market and who you think you’d like to work with is important. You want the best possible professional on your side. This is a good time to make enhancements to the Helpful People sector of your home.

3. Let go. This one is a doozie. Ideally do whatever ceremony or inner work might be necessary to begin the detachment process before you even call the realtor. Once the (very important) mundane stuff like pricing and finding the right realtor are in place, this is the next most important part. Cut your ties so you can move on!


4. Make sure it is staged correctly. Keep it clean. Clear out the clutter, remove all but the basic furniture items, and pack up the nicknacks. No, they do not add charm and homeyness to your property. What they do add is too much of your own personal energy. Potential buyers not only can’t see themselves in your home, they can’t feel themselves there either. Hire a pro if needed.

5. Check the Feng Shui. Is the entrance attractive? Can you find and easily enter the property? Is there room to move, can you get around the furniture with ease? Is it well lit? Are the colors appropriate? How does it feel?

If you aren’t sure, ask a co-worker or friend to be your secret shopper and look at it as though they were a buyer. Remember not to take their input personally, you are looking for an independent set of eyes.

If you are serious about using Feng Shui to help you sell your home there is a specific ceremony from the BTB Feng Shui tradition that can be performed to assist in selling a property. If you’ve had trouble selling contact me, I can help.

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Calgary Feng Shui Designer

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  • Cruz Macalma May 5, 2013, 11:32 pm

    Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner. Depending on the particular style of feng shui being used, an auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as bodies of water, stars, or a compass. Feng shui was suppressed in China during the cultural revolution in the 1960s, but since then has increased in popularity.’.

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