Take Command of your Home Office!

When setting up an office, weather at home or in the workplace, it is critical to position yourself in your own power spot, a position of control. In Feng Shui, this is often referred to as the Command Position.

The command position of any room is one in which you have solid backing, the widest view of the room, and are out of the line of the main doorway.

This position provides us with the feeling that we are protected and that we are in control. We can see what is coming at us, while being well backed and supported.IMG_6182

Picture this. If you were a gangster who wanted to grab a bite at your local eatery would you sit near the front entry with your back to the door? Of course not!


Now, I’m not suggesting you’re a gangster, but I am suggesting that the reason that you would choose to position yourself in the command position is so that circumstances can’t sneak up on you and harm you while you are not paying attention.

Many offices do not afford the occupant the luxury of positioning themselves in this way, in which case a mirror can be employed to provide you with a better vantage point when seated at the desk. Just position it in such a way that you can see what is coming through the door when you are seated at your desk.

Home offices can be particularly challenging as desks are very often placed against the wall to save space. If a desk is being used casually and not for actual work, this is not as big an issue as a true working desk, but if you pay your bills there, it counts in my books!

So, if you want to gain a better handle on your finances, or feel more in control at work, do whatever you can to get yourself into the command position.

Let’s Chat!
Calgary Feng Shui Designer

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  • Lucy Story May 8, 2017, 3:48 pm

    what is a good color for a home office.